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Congratulations Dr Ava Carter!

At the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists congress last week, the "Lived Experience Australia Award for Best Practice in Consumer and Carer Inclusion" award was presented to Dr Ava Carter (pictured).

The Lived Experience Australia Award is awarded to the psychiatry trainee who has submitted the best reflection following completion of all five Collaboration, Communication and Cooperation between Health Professionals modules. The award recognises best practice in consumer and carer inclusion.

The selection panel - including two LEA Board Members - commended Dr Carter’s reflection.

Dr Carter wrote of her collaboration with GPs, and the results she had been able to achieve by being more inclusive of carers.

The panel was heartened to read her reflection, and grateful to have this passion for consumer and carer inclusion in the Psychiatry field.

You can read more about Dr Carter, and the other RANZCP Award winners at this link:



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