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A research project to understand the links between oral health and mental health

Oral health is often overlooked as an important health issue, with support for oral health care not funded through Medicare in the same way as many other physical health conditions, despite its importance to good mental and physical health.


Lived Experience Australia in collaboration with Flinders University are seeking to better understand the links between mental health and oral health from lived experience perspectives, including the barriers to accessing and receiving oral health care.


We aim for the results of this survey to provide an evidence base that will inform policy and provide guidance for service providers who offer oral health care for people who experience mental health challenges. Results will be published on our research page.


If you have lived experience of mental health challenges and would like to share your views and experiences regarding care for your oral health, including experiences with health services about your oral health, the survey will be open until [CLOSING DATE].

For more information, download the Participant Information Sheet >>.

This project has been approved by the Flinders Human Research Ethics Committee (No.7595).

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