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Our Training

For Consumers, Families and Carers

We have a range of online training modules and recorded webinars for consumers, families and carers to build your advocacy skills, look after yourself, get your message heard and more. Login to our on
his free webinar series has been created specifically for Consumers and Carers who want to take the next step into advocacy.
We have five subject matter experts as a guest speakers, as well as our own lived experience facilitator, to help you further develop the skills that are beneficial as an advocate.  
If you are looking to contribute to improvements to mental health services, these webinars will cover these 5 key topics:
  • Looking after yourself
  • How to be heard
  • Briefing & debriefing
  • Keeping the enthusiasm going
  • Self reflection/self evaluation

Looking after yourself 

Many of us know the saying 'you can't drink from an empty cup' and Peter Farrugia, from Flourish Australia, will share his vision of what it is like to advocate for others, while also looking after your own needs and “not feeling guilty about it”.  LEA is keen to share this approach with consumers, carers and families because looking after ourselves first is the best way we can support others.  In this video, as Peter inspires us all to engage in advocacy roles with the best outcomes for all. 

Looking after yourself without feeling g

How to get your message heard 

Mark Chenery, from Common Cause Australia, has worked with dozens of organisations on values-based communications as an expert in this field. His background includes advertising and journalism and heading up the community engagement program of an international human rights organisation in Australia.


Mark is an inspiring speaker, LEA is excited to be able to share his insights for you to support you in finding your voice and being heard.  

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Preparing for Advocacy - Briefing and Debriefing 

Sarah Sutton is a recognised national leader in consumer and carer advocacy. Sarah is a Psychologist who is also a well respected carer spokesperson.   


This webinar will give you insights into the experience of a long term advocate. Sarah will discuss the purpose of briefing and debriefing and this can help you to be a more effective spokesperson and advocate.  

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Keeping the Enthusiasm Going 

Elida Meadows identifies as a mental health consumer and carer. She has worked for several years in policy, and has a passion for systemic advocacy of mental health issues. Elida was for many years the Tasmanian carer representative on both the National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum. 


Through her many years as a consumer/carer advocate, Elida has gained knowledge of how to keep yourself going, even when things get tough, and she shares these insights with Darren.

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Self reflection and self evaluation without self flagellation 

Lorraine Powell has been a passionate consumer & carer advocate, and was one of the first people in Australia to complete the Mental Health Peer Work Certificate IV. Lorraine has just been appointed as the WA representative for LEA and brings with her many years of experience promoting and presenting on the topic of self reflection and self evaluation within consumer and carer teams.  

Lorraine share her experiences with you, and Darren, in this webinar.

Advocacy Skills - SElf Reflection and Se
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