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How to ensure you manage the risks and look after yourself in advocacy.

Undertaking advocacy activities can be very rewarding, giving a sense of achievement and real empowerment. It also carries with it some personal risks. Putting yourself forward, being exposed to new situations, expressing your views is always challenging. It is a privilege to be able to provide consumer or carer perspectives and as such we have a responsibility to speak up, even though at first this may be difficult.

To download the "Looking after yourself" tip sheet, click on the link below:

Lived Experience Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of all the lands on which we undertake our advocacy.

We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

We also recognise all those with lived experience of mental ill-health. We acknowledge that we can only provide leadership in systemic advocacy through valuing, respecting, and drawing upon their lived experience expertise and knowledge.

We acknowledge their enormous contribution to our work.

Lived Experience Australia National Secretariat
Phone 1300 620 042 or send us an enquiry
LEA is a registered Charity with the ACNC
LEA is an Associate Member of LGBTQI+ Health Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia Member
LEA is an Ending Loneliness Together Member Organisation

This website is run by a member of
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, click the logo to verify.


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